12 Italian phrases for beginners

Hello to all my students out there! How are you doing?

Today we are going back to the very basics of Italian language.

I’ve received many messages and emails from students who are just starting out with learning Italian and, therefore, I’d like to help you out with something informative, yet fun!

Have a look at the picture below:


The exercise I’d like you to do is think of a possible situation where you’d hear the phrases above and maybe write 5 sentences about it.

Try yourself and let me know if you find it difficult/easy in the comments below!

A presto,


P.S. you can save and print the picture if you want to!


  1. Cara Lucrezia:

    Grazie per questo email.

    Penso che e un buon idea di iniziare al inizio per gli studenti nuovi.

    Lei e una buonissima maestra.

    Mi scusa, per favore. Non scrivo abbastanza ben.


    Frank J. Bruzzese, Esq.

  2. Sono nouvo in italia, tre e mezzi solo, ma parla italia po cu. Mi piace quardo il tua video, ma e facile somehow. You are fast and no subtitle.

Speak your mind!