
My email address is:
Il mio indirizzo email è:

learnitalianwithlucrezia (at) yahoo (dot) it

I teach Italian on italki and on Skype.

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If you think my readers would be interested in your product or service, please contact me via email (address above). I’d be happy to hear from you!

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Schermata 2017-04-27 alle 11.28.05


      1. Really like the conversation videos in Italian with English subtitles. Can you give some on places to study music and Italian language in Roma. I am a music teacher and studying Italian with Lucrezia. Thankyou, Marco Antonio Polimeno Houston,Texas USA

      1. Ciao Lucrezia! I would like to thank you for what you’re doing for us – Italian language lovers! XD Your help is always invaluable, you put a lot of effort into your work which I think is cool and amazing! So please keep going!!
        I’m learning Italian on my own, I’m at the A1 level of proficiency I guess, but what I do adore is your YouTube videos (especially those designed for beginners) and Spotify podcasts. But what I’d appreciate – what is my personal suggestion – is if you could put the transcriptions of your podcasts anywhere, like your Facebook page or website? Because for me, as being a beginner in Italian language, sometimes it is hard to get what you specifically talk about. I believe it would be more helpful to have the texts of your podcasts, so I will be able to read them on my own, learn new words, phrases etc. in more effective way. Plus, I could read those texts along with the podcast playing in the background, that’s how I’d get to know how to put accents, pronounce well etc. I know you’re a very busy person, but if you considered my recommendation, I’d be grateful! I hope such a solution would work great not only for me, but for all the persons who learn Italian by means of your help! Anyway, I wish you all the best!
        Coming back to my Duolingo lesson now! Ahaha
        Ciao! Ci vediamo! 🙂

  1. I´m really grateful with you because your lessons have helped me a lot and I do really want to learn Italian. It would be nice if some other people could imitate you and we could learn many languags.
    When I have a better knowledge of this language I´ll send you some shorts writings. Gracias Lucrezia

  2. Thanks, Lucrezia for your blog and youtube channel. I think it will be a wonderful asset to learning Italian. I recently viewed your video where you went shopping with your sister and I am wondering if you or she could recommend sites/tv programs interesting for teens. My daughter is eleven and would like to learn Italian as well but I’m unsure what might be good content for a younger audience. Grazie!!

    1. Lesha, you can find online/on streaming two Italian tv-shows which are aired by Disney Channel Italia, they are very funny 😀 “Fiore e Tinelli” and “Quelli dell’Intervallo”. Let me know if you find them and what you think 🙂

  3. Thank you Lucrezia for your blog and videos, you are doing a hell of a job for people who want to learn Italian fun way – I’m hooked. It’d be interesting to hear from you how one can learn a new language (from your personal experience, if there is a system). Oh yeah, and how did you guys come up with those little tricky “ci” and “si” everywhere 😀

  4. Hi Lucrezia, sono molto felice di guardar tus videos. I would like to see something about movies per esempio We can see a short movie e espegiare in italiano.
    scusi per mi italiano Io sono di Panamá e parlo Spagnolo.

  5. Ciao Lucrezia,
    I just love your videos!!! They are very divertente and interesting!!! I am trying to learn Italian by myself and your videos help me a lot!! Keep up the good work! You are refreshing to see and molto simpatica!
    Grazie. I will be a follower!!!

  6. Ciao Lucrezia,
    Da due giorni frequento i suoi lezioni. Mi piace molto e voglio consigliare ai miei amici che studiano la lingua italiana con me. Noi lavoriamo in una fabbrica Italiana in Turchia e studiamo per l’esame CELI 1. (Forse CELI 2 dopo un anno) Credo che possiamo superare l’esame facilmente con aiuto di persone come te. Grazie mille.

  7. ciao Lucrezia, sono da Vietnam, mi piace molto le sue lessioni, ho studiato lingua italia quasi un anno, ma tanti difficulti a palare e ascoltare lingua italia, puoi aiutarmi, come devo fare per migliorare lingua italia?

  8. Ciao Lucrezia! I love your videos, especially your vlogs in Italian. I’m an American student and I’ve never been to Italy so I’m very excited to be studying in Trastevere in Rome this summer! Your videos are so much help to me and make me even more excited! 🙂

  9. Ciao Lucrezia,
    My wife and I are trying to learn Italian and find your videos excellent resources. We also do love your clear pronunciation and intonation. Where’s your accent from? Is that the standard ‘formal’ Italian, from Roma?
    [or a Firenze?]
    I often listen to Italian radio stations and have them playing in the background, just to listen to the speech.
    Do you have one or more favourite radio stations that broadcast in that formal, standard Italian?
    Thank you and keep up the good work.
    Artax [from England]

    1. Ciao Artax,

      thank you very much!
      I’m from Rome, hence my accent is also Roman, even though it is not as strong as you would imagine!
      Radio stations that broadcast in standard Italian would be news stations, such as Radio24 🙂

  10. I really want to learn Italian. I love the language, the people and the culture. I’ve studied the language for about 8 months. I know lots of words, just don’t know how to put together sentences. Unfortunately I live in a community that doesn’t have many Italian speakers.(especially from the Northern part of Italy. Do you have any suggestions or video’s that would help me practice putting together sentences?
    I love your video’s, they make sense and I feel like I’m learning faster. Very proud of you for following your passion and keeping the Italian language alive!!
    Hanno un ottimo resto della settiman.
    Grazie Mille,

  11. Sei una professoressa magnifica. Tutti i tuoi video sono meravigliosi. Ho imparato molto da te. Mi piace cuando fai i video tutto in italiano. Sono americano, ma i miei radici sono tutti calabrese (Cosenza e un piccolo villagio chiamato Mangone). Se viene qualche giorno a San Diego, CA, mia ed io ti portiamo a mangiare se vuoi.

  12. Lucrezia, grazie molto per il tuo lavoro.

    Sono francese e imparo soprattutto in un libro (Méthode Assimil), con Duolingo e con il tuo canale YouTube (e, per essere onesto, con altri youtubers come AlboTheMinstrel). Lo faccio principalmente per piacere, ma anche per comunicare con le persone che incontro quando vado in Italia. (Sono un giovane pensionato con tempo libero :o)

    Vorrei ringraziarti per tutti i tuoi sforzi nel darti un po’ dei soldi, ma non so bene come fare. Se hai idea di come farlo semplicimente… 😉

    Grazie ancora.


  13. Ciao Lucrezia, grazie per il video inerente quattro libri Italiani. Per favore, che cosa il site online che ha suggerito? Me lo puo dettare lettere per lettere per favore?
    Mille grazie

  14. Ciao Lucrezia!Innanzitutto complimenti per la tua pagina web e anche per tutto quello che tu fai per l’ insegnamento della lingua italiana.Io ho cominciato ad imparare l’italiano da solo,…in Ottobre del 2015,….e adesso mi piacerebbe superare la prova PLIDA B2,….secondo te,..cosa posso fare per ragguingere un buon livello?Grazie mille e mi scuso in anticipo per qualche errori,….Gustavo.

  15. hi, I am Salvatore and love your youtube channel you have really helped me understand somethings I have just started my journey to learning Italian by myself and I can’t wait to learn more keep u posted on my success, caio for now.

  16. Ciao Lucrezia.
    Sono molto felice di trovare il tuo sito.
    Sono persiana e vorrei essere un’insegnante dell’italiano un giorno .
    Tu hai tutto quello che mi piace tanto: essere un’insegnante e vivere in italia specialmente a roma..Allora ti seguo per tutta la mia vita.
    Ti voglio un futuro pieno dei progressi……in bocca al lupo bella…XOXO

  17. Ciao, Lucrezia, e buon Natale! Vorrei ringraziarti per tutti i tuoi video 🙂 Mi hai aiutato moltissimo, specialmente per quanto riguarda non avere paura di parlare in italiano! Grazie mille ❤

  18. Ciao Lucrezia! I am now studying Italian to prepare myself to study in Italy next year. I’m very thankful for all your lessons on youtube and your podcasts. They help me so much to learn Italian and they also make studying much more fun!

  19. Hi Lucrezia,

    how can I get the transcript for your podcast on Spotify? I love the topics you cover and would love to follow them with the transcript. Thank you so much!

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