15 Italian words coming from Arabic language

Hello guys 🙂

As you already know, languages keep developing everyday, every minute, every second! And  every language has been influenced by another language in the past, there always has been a major language that everybody used to communicate in the trade field, in the financial field and so on. Therefore, that language put in use its words and they became frequently used in a specific field. There is something like a language network, in which languages share some of their vocabulary and get in touch.

The first linguistic influence I want to talk about is the Arabic one.

I have done some research and I found out that there are quite a few words coming from Arabic and I am going to share them with you in this post 🙂

Let´s start with food vocabulary:

SPINACI = spinach

ZUCCHERO = sugar

ALBICOCCA = apricot

CAFFE´ = coffee


CAMMELLO = camel


ALGEBRA = algebra

ALGORITMO = algorithm

ZERO = zero

CIFRA = figure


ZENIT = zenith

NADIR = nadir


MAGAZZINO = warehouse

SULTANO = sultan

SCEICCO = sheik/sheikh

ASSASSINO = killer/assassin

Here are just a few, but I am sure there are many more 🙂 If you know some other words, write them in the comment section below!

A presto! ♥

P.S I will film a video on how to pronounce the words above 🙂 In the meantime you can watch my other lessons on my YouTube channel 🙂 Stay tuned and subscribe!


  1. Albicocco, alfiere, almanacco, ammiraglio, arancio, baldacchino, bizzeffe, caraffa, carciofo, dogana, facchino, fondaco, giara, giubba, lacca, limone, marzapane, materasso, ottone, ricamare, scarlatto, tazza, zafferano, zerbino, zibibbo, etc. – Questo argomento si potrebbe sviluppare ulteriormente (inserendo etimi etc.): scusa, è una mia passione 😉

    1. Grazie per l’aggiunta!!! Si, l’argomento è veramente ampio 🙂 Ho scritto solo le parole che mi sembravano più facili da memorizzare per chi ha iniziato a studiare l’italiano seguendo il mio blog 🙂 Scrivine altre se vuoi 🙂 All the best xx

  2. Interesting this happens with the English language too many words come from the French language. I’m looking forward to the video! Are there any other Italian words which come from Arabic or other languages?

    1. Yes! There are many more words that have an arabic origin 🙂 I only chose to post the words that to me seemed easy to remember for beginners. Italian language has also been influenced by Spanish, French, and German! I’m doing a series of posts about this topic! Glad you liked it! Thanks for your comment 🙂

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